the only thing I will say about Westboro

by unstoppablesomebody

My child was born with a super power.  She has the power to make me feel the kind of joy and happiness that is pure, goes straight to my heart, and overflows it with a unique, unmatched emotion. The super power is in the innocence of her eyes and words. The way she describes what she sees is sometimes so simple and different from what I see that it is just pure genius. Her little voice describing something that is so hilarious and she can’t stop giggling, that laughter fills me up on the inside and moves every worry and problem I have into nonexistence (for a little while, anyways).  I would say that this super power was singularly unique to just my child, but i have witnessed and felt it from the other children in my family. From talking with friends I have gathered that most parents I know feel the same about their children too. Our kids are our Super Hero’s in tiny toddler capes.

Then I see the kids from Westboro Baptist Church.

Do those parents feel the same way? Do they feel over flowed with joy when they hear the little tiny voice of their child say the word “nigger” and “faggot”? I know when I hear those words come out of the mouth of a child, I feel a piercing shock of hurt and pain that goes straight through my heart. I feel confusion and failure. I feel like I want to give that child a hug and tell them that I am sorry that society has failed them. I want to tell the child that I am sorry that they have to grow up surrounded by fear and hate. I want to tell the kid that hate is fear in disguise and there no reason to be afraid.  I want to tell them the world is a better place than what they have been told. I want to tell them that all those hateful words they are being told to say are not true.

But most of all I want to tell that child that if someone came into their school and heartlessly murdered them, their teachers, their families, and their friends that I would not stand outside of their funeral and hold a picket sign and that I would cry and mourn the loss of their tiny little child soul.

child laughing